Friday 30 November 2007

Their Intimate Thoughts

Kevins video

Is that Murt co-starring in that video? You know Murt, I've always said it - you've aged well.

Granny Pants!

Forget your granny pants!! Check out these bad boys!!!

Friday caption Comp

Would my BUM look big in this ???


The Real Finn Ryan

Friday Caption Competition No.5


Winner - Week 4 - Maeve* - "Squats"
Winner - Week 3 - Mick - "Pernup"
Winner - Week 2 - Kevin** - "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang"

* Or was it Kevin?
** Or was it Maeve?

Thursday 29 November 2007

One man and his dog

I figure the dog has something to do with it. Is Patrick looking sheepish and needs to be rounded up into his (play)pen? Eh Shep?

Wednesday 28 November 2007

Patrick & Squats

Now you all know that I am not a big fan of squats but Patrick’s official excuse is that he hurt his arm.  He says he hurt his arm while picking up a small child!  No sympathy here…MAEVE

Running faster

Paaaaaaatrick is running faster because if he doesnt win the word is that Cathorina make him do squats on his turbo trainer and we all know how much he loves his squats...YE RIGHT...

Tuesday 27 November 2007

Friday Caption

Hi Guys and Girls. Sorry for the lack of orginality with this one. I look at the photo and the only thing that comes to mind is "RUN, FOREST, RUN".

Friday Caption

I'm really sorry for the lack of orginality with this one but I just see the picture and RUN, FOREST, RUN is all that comes to mind.

Saturday 24 November 2007


I think he saw a GHOST in that old building - looks a bit pale to me & deffinatley in a hurry. 

Friday 23 November 2007

I'm not playing anymore

I don't think I'll be adding to the Friday Caption competition until tomorrow. I do know that it is Friday today but I think Karl should get a bit more grief for trying to pull a fast one. So anyone out there who would like to give Karl an additional day in the spot light, don't hold back. Don't be shy.

Hell ...... Fire ....... The Devil is after me

Patrick is really sh***ing himself,
fear is written all over his face.

All about Patrick...

Just remember - its not about the day of the week in your world, or the day of the week in mine, its not even about me any more. I am so last week, it's now all about Patrick.

Thursday 22 November 2007

Ooooppppps - caption withdrawn until Friday


Taco, what are you at? You are letting Karl win. Withdraw your comment about Patrick immediately. You can put it back there on Friday but it is just not his time yet!!!

He's early and He's late

Your right Sinead, Karl is trying to deflect the responses.
In his eyes , "Thursday, is the new Friday".
I wonder will it soon be "Married, is the new Single"

Any way that's the early bit, now the late.
No winners have yet been annouced for Weeks 2 and 3 caption competition.
Week 2 of the radar (I mean page) , but I think that Week 3 winner should be Mick Farrel.
Not for his caption but for his spelling of Pernup (I mean Pre-nup)

I don't think so Karl

Nice try Karl but it is NOT going to work. So you have tried to cut your week short by 1 full day. Oh no, that is not the rules. I do believe that the Friday Caption Competition starts on a FRIDAY. It is beginning to worry me, my friend. This bad habit of cheating you seem to have got into!! Shame on you.

Wednesday 21 November 2007

Week 4 - Friday Photos

The Green mile

Taco, as best man and proud to be I GUARNTEE that karl will walk down the isle on the 27th,but as reguards if he will ever compete again i can't say, I do think you have the upper hand on the PB stats at the moment so I reckon its up to mr mccann and his future wife in hand to get off the labtop and get some serious training in and try{ I repeat TRY} to kick some ass next season, and no doubt we know your ass will be the first they go for my friend...So i suppose im realy throwing down the gaunlet here and can I say may the BESTMAN win  ...

Tuesday 20 November 2007

Ha ha ha

You are getting hockied out of it. I love it.

Test Tri PB

Mr. McCann - May I remind you of the last Test Tri in which you refused to compete, on the grounds that you would not attain a PB.
Is this what we can expect from our so able and fearless leader?
Will he ever compete again?
Will he have the bottle to walk down the aisle and say "I do" ( want to compete again and attain a PB).

Karl, I may fail but at least I try.

Monday 19 November 2007

Hi kids...

Good to see a little fire in the belly of Mr Mccann...Its a pitty that it will be quenched on the 27th of DEC...but hey god loves a trier....After all he was only looking for the TI rules on marrage and ye start giving him a hard time....GOOD STUFF

Aaah, Poor Karl

Can I just remind you young McCann, that you have a fairly state of the art Quintana Roo Wetsuit yourself? Just try to refrain from putting vaseline on this one. Ha ha.

You still think you're funny? Hmmm?

Taco, you'll never set a Test Series PB again. Okay?

Mick, if you're looking for something on Google, the best thing to do is spell it right. Try re-spelling "pern" and let us know if you find what you were looking for (but, no pictures please)!

Patrick, you just wait! (anyone with pictures of Mr M. - please send now for this weeks competition!)

Sinead, in many ways triathlon is unfair. You can be penalised for a simple error in transition, but criminal acts like buying the best bouyancy money can buy (a so-called "wetsuit") goes unpunished. But, hey, thats life for you.

Friday 16 November 2007

Those creche places are going fast!!!

Hi Mark,

Congrats and see you at training... yea right!!!!

Patrick and Catriona

Elaine should keep an eye on that wish list!


Elaine wont find me here, now where is those pernup sites again.....

Try to be more discreet Karl

Karl, do you know the saying "If you're not cheating, you're not trying"? I believe this was your response on receit of the penaltys you incurred while blatantly cheating in the transition area of Joey Hannon 2006! And yet, here you are, in 2007 tampering with the results of a race that is still in progress. Shame on you McCann, shame.
If anyone else would like to enlighten us as to what Karl is looking at on his laptop, don't be shy. (but do try and keep it clean)

Wednesday 14 November 2007

Friday Caption Competition - The Continuation

Right - My turn I think, here we see....

Homo Triathleticus Laptopicus

His natural habitat is ........

Your captions PLEASE

Late for Class

Well gang , winter training classes have only just started and some of our esteemed members are already getting of on the wrong foot.

I wonder " How many Triathlons have been delayed because some of the participants decided to arrive late"


So why should our training classes be delayed ?
Particularly as we should be approaching training in the same mind set as racing and

Therefore I Say "Let's start on time, close the door and If you are late - Well Tough "

Monday 12 November 2007


Taco maybe Sinead will swap her SILVER Dream Machine for your GREEN one - four wheels must be better than two.

Sunday 11 November 2007

Wanderly Wagon

Thanks sinead !!
Even you are are getting in on the act..... Calling me a victim.
But you ARE right, when all is said and done ..
I say let them have their moment of whit.
We will be steadfast.... and get the last laugh at christmas party.

We will get our own back.

Cheers .... and you all should be afraid !!!!
Sinead will be on the war path.

Friday Caption Competition

ROLL on next season. I'm going to FLATTEN the competition. (What can I say? After all the abuse I got, I think I'll support the VICTIMS of this competition. Except of course to those people who abused me. Kevin's sprained ankle is only the tip of the ice berg)
My new time trial bike! Nice set of wheels Taco.

Saturday 10 November 2007

No way

Willie, there is no way Taco’s going to make it into town in that vehicle. Better tell him to run instead. Maeve

For the Caption : All together now !

Bob says "Who the F*$! is that in my roller?"
All together "Bob the Builder - Can we Tac(o) it!"

Friday 9 November 2007

Dee night out..

sorry guys dee night out has been changed..more details will follow later..PS thats not to say you cant do your own winter training tomor night....and would some please take taco out for a night he realy needs it cheers....

Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.................

Hey Presto! I think I Found the Gear Stick…………………………

The new Venga bus


Where's the Gearstick?

Welcome to week 2 of the Friday Caption Competition.

Do your best Kevin!

WHY ARE WE WAITING....................

It’s 8am and I am like a child on Christmas morning. I arrived at my computer full of excitement and expectation. But horror of all horror what’s gone wrong. I check the calendar - it is Friday, I check my internet connection everything is working ok. What has happened to Santa Karl - have all the little elf’s cameras been stolen. WHERE IS CAPTION FRIDAY? PLEASE SOMEBODY HELP……………………….from sad little kev

Thursday 8 November 2007

From Maeve

Just before the week is over…at least sinead’s bum looks ok but how about the rest of us sisters in that picture.  For starters, the club tri suits are not black…Maeve

G'wan Sister Sinead

You're right Sinead, some people on here have really milked last week's caption competition, easpecially Mark Moocauley. Stand out from the herd is what I say. Any reasonable person could see that the photo was only a load of bullocks anyway.

On youe side

Im on your side Sinead. we will be laughing later...Revenge is sweet...There all shaking in there boots....

Wednesday 7 November 2007

Is this the new trilogy ha ha laugh at Sinead site?

As usuall, I have a few issues. HOW COULD YOU MARK MC CAULEY? I actually reminded you how to log onto this blogger site and this is how you repay me.
Maeve, I'm glad you are sore today but just to let you know that I got a spinnerval DVD in my IRONMANUK (yes, I put that in caps on purpose) goodie bag and if you are nice to me I'll let you know the name of it!! (I'll actually burn a copy for you)
That includes you, Mr Mirror mirror man!!!
Tis a long season troops. It's up to ye lot how long you want to make it. (verrrry sinister, I say in a dark and distrubing voice)

spin DVD

Hi kevin we have 4 or 5 DVD that work on your PC or tv..They are all different levels and different workouts..problem is i cant lay my hands on them maybe karl or mark downey has them im not sure but they are around somewhere..See how you get on and let me know ok..

More important...

I love this Friday caption thing - especially as Sinead is the butt of all the jokes.  However, I have more important stuff on my mind.  My sister has purchased a spin bike for her sitting room.  We will have to excuse her this indulgence as she lives in New Zealand and so cannot attend Deirdre’s spin classes (I am feeling the pain today).  Does anyone have any recommendations for a good spin DVD to get her going?  Thanks. Maeve

P.S. Kevin says here’s two more captions…”Mooooove over”…or…”Not an-udder one of those cyclists”…

Monday 5 November 2007

broken glass

mirror,mirror on the wall watch now as i make you fall...who am i take a guess...

Sunday 4 November 2007


Hi guys,Dee is having her birthday bash on sat night in Leathon around 9 or so...This is a very important part of your winter training so be their sisters and brothers....Great night guarnteed...

Saturday 3 November 2007

I’m a good liar…Maeve

Great write up Maeve

Is there no end to this woman's talents. I read your write up about the women's training weekend Maeve on Triathlon Ireland website. Well done.

Friday 2 November 2007

Love is all around!

Congrats to all who have taken the plunge best of luck in everything. Now that Mark has taken the plunge in love, hopefully it will soften the plunge in to open water.

Cows Cows Cows!

"Does my bum look as big as this!"

Or alternatively

"Where's the new gear, is it breathable?"!

Or alternatively

Sinead is always looking out for competition.

Or alternatively

The cows must have missed T1.

Friday captions cont..

Now that's another load of bull !

The Friday caption competion

Ooo hurry up you COW....

The friday comp...

O would you ever go faster you COW......

The Friday caption Competition

Any end to this white line???

Thursday 1 November 2007

The Friday Caption Competition

Speaking of pictures .... Flex your wit and come up with a caption for the below:

I'll start the bull, sorry, ball rolling with "After a chase of 2 hours, Wearen finally re-joins the peleton"

There is some thing not right with this picture!!

WHAT DO YOU MEAN - NO DRINKING. I have to say, I'm with Maeve on this one. (even if she twisted the knife about my texting abilities). Of course we can drink now. Twice as much if we like. Sure with all that training we'll be balancing things out. If we are to train 5 days of the week, surely we should be able to drink for 2 of them. After all I'm not saying that aclohol is the cause of all these loved up couples, but surely it might have given them a push in the right direction. Bring on the beer and encourage more loving couples is what I say. Make love - not war!!

Must try harder

You’re right Willie.  I don’t take this triathlon thing seriously enough at all.  I’ll try harder, loads of training, no beer…oh dear…maeve