Thursday 28 January 2010

Tri Laois and Volunteering


I want to get in early to get volunteers for TriLaois April 10th. So who's up for it? We need in and around 40 volunteers. If you want to race Tri Laois then can you please bring at least one volunteer on your behalf. I will be asking people to go guarantor for their volunteers. If the volunteer doesn't show then the person racing will have to forfeit their place and volunteer instead. I know this sounds extreme but it caused problems last year with volunteer no shows.

contact me:


Tuesday 26 January 2010

Wednesday 20 January 2010

Anyone selling a bike?


A friend of mine is looking for a training bike. He needs it for Sunday morning spins and has a budget of 200 euro. He is about 5-10 and is looking for a medium bike. Anyone interested in making a few quid call Michael on 0878036695.