Sunday 29 November 2009

Ballycotton 10 Mile

We hope to have Entry Forms for above tomorrow - Monday.
The Race is on 21 March and Entry is Euro 15.00.  Anyone interested please be at running tomorrow night with your money.  Hopefully we will have the Track but that has still to be confirmed.

Monday 23 November 2009

Monday night session

Hi people,
Just like to say well done to Gary [running coach] tonight, what a great session, cant wait till next week....

Tuesday 17 November 2009

Provisional Race Calendar 2010

The Provisional Triathlon Ireland Race Calendar for next year has been posted on TI. To be finalised by 27th November.

Lots of new events including Kildare and Kilkenny.

Check it out on


Friday 13 November 2009

TriSchool in Laois again.


Might be of interest Gavin Noble along with Tricamp Ireland are holding a training camp in Killenard. Might be a nice Christmas present.

Tuesday 10 November 2009

Budapest and Athlone - Who Else?

So far we have

Taco (Oly), Jonathan (Jnr), Dave (Sprnt), Trish (Olympic), Karl (sprint).

Liam (Olympic), Simon (sprint), Karl (Sprint), Trish (Sprint)

PS Taco - "Két fedhetnek kérem" - I'll look forward to hearing you say that in Budapest. Especially when you return to the bar to order pints 3 and 4, and 5 and 6 and so on.

Monday 9 November 2009

Entering Budapest

Following on from Dave's post below, I spoke with TI over the weekend.

It seems that the Olympic race is attracting a lot of early interest from the 25-39 age groups, so much so that a top 10 finsh at age group level was not enough during the last (National Series) round.

However, the good news is that for every champs to daye, about two out of every five offers made end up not being taken, and these places can then be filled in the last round in June. Also, if you are intent on going to Budapest and have applied but not got a place, you can give yourself a little extra insurance by applying for both Sprint and Olympic (cost of €20.00 extra fee). Note: this option is not needed if you are older than 39 or younger than 25.

Sunday 8 November 2009

Two Beers Please

Két fedhetnek kérem

Me too

Just got the nod for the Sprint Event in Budapest. Very surprised because I'm a long way down in the National Series. Just goes to show if you are not in you can't win. So how do you order a beer in hungarian??? Hopefully I'm not the only one to get good news today.

Friday 6 November 2009


Got offers for both Athlone and Budapest.  Confirmation letters in todays post.  Off to Portugal for some HEAT training next week.

Wednesday 4 November 2009

heritage gym

Hi people,
If anyone is interested in joining the Heritage Gym they are offering Trilogy a good rate for new membership and will also apply to renewals of membership, give me a shout if your interested!!
Cheers Willie
087 6565424

Buda Buda Buda

Jonathan has qualified for Budapest. I have not so far. TI are processing the sprint applications this weekend. Everyone should get an email from TI giving people the option of entering the sprint by emailing TI by Friday. If you do respond to the email then they will leave you in the draw for the standard distance. Apparently there is a lot of interest in taking part.

I spoke to TI today and I was told that places would not be awarded through qualifying events next year. This runs contrary to what I took from our meeting last week and I think this is incorrect but maybe Karl could add his ten cents.....?

me too

Got the offer of a place for Athlone sprint, but holding out still for the big one, Budapest Olympic. Think Simon is in the same boat. Anyone else got offers?

Tuesday 3 November 2009

Hungry 2010 - Training starts now

Hi All, just received word today that I've been offered a spot for Budapest.
Sooo my training started today, I took the dog for a walk.
But seriously, has anyone else been offered a spot.
How about Athlone , any takers there.
Let the challenge begin