Thursday 30 April 2009

Older than we look?

Will this be a regular occurance for the female members of Trilogy? Myself and Maire Marshall were placed in the wrong age group for Joey Hannon. It doesn't worry me too much as there is a hell of a crew from Trilogy launching themselves into the triathlon season this Sunday. All told, I think we have 34 members racing. TRILOGY ROCKS!!

Monday 27 April 2009

pass the book

Hi maeve, I want to say that i had little or no part in mr Farrell's decision on your age category for kilkee,had he of asked me i would definatly have said 30 to 34 as this is also my category...NO cosmetic surgery needed for us we look great for our age...Mick on the other hand?????  

Cosmetic Surgery

Dearest Mick

I will be sending you the bill for my cosmetic surgery.  You can split it 50-50 with Willie.

Kind regards


P.S. for those of you who are wondering – I am 21!


Sunday 26 April 2009

I'm so so sorry

I could have tortured someone, I could have caused a disaster, I may have even killed someone. but its worse, I got a girl,s age wrong. I wish to unreservedly apologise to Maeve Bracken for wrongfully entering her into the wrong age category for the Kilkee triathlon. I also wish to apologise to the entire Bracken family esp Kevin. So to Maeve I say sory.

NB. If ever entering names for a race and you dont know their age, dont ask WILLIE....


Friday 24 April 2009

Thank you for Killkee

Just to say thanks to all involved for getting us entry into the 25th Anniversary race for the Hell of the West. I might actually be cursing you on the day but for now, I'm sending my thanks and not just for Kilkee. For all the races we've been entered into so far.

Contract on Roy's Head Lifted

Hi Roy

Just wanted to let you know that I have cancelled the contract on your life ‘cos you got me into Kilkee.  Thanks, MAEVE

kilkee entry

Hi people, just to say  well done to the lads who got us all reg for kilkee, Great job boys.Just to let everyone know it fills up in about 12 mts so the pressure is realy on lads to get us in. So the next time you see Roy,Alan,Mick or karl please thank them for their thankless work..Enjoy the race every....

Wednesday 22 April 2009

Kilkee Accommodation

Marine Hotel in Kilkee still have some Rooms available for Euro 65 /night per person B & B. Phone No. 065-9056722. 
See you there unless anyone can get a better deal somewhere. Trish

Saturday 18 April 2009

Test Tri 2009

I just want to thank everyone that was involved in the test tri today. It was our biggest yet with 35 competitors. It is a testament of how our club is growing and thankfully we still have a 100% safety record. It is easier to race than to help out with timing, so I want to say a HUGE thanks to those today who carried out this task. Only for them, we would have had no race. See you all in the heath next Sunday for our Test Duathlon 3.

Monday 13 April 2009

Trilogy welcomes Roisin McCourt

Warm congratulations to Karen and Shay on the birth of their baby daughter Roisin.

Sunday 12 April 2009

Congrats to Kevin and Maeve

Well done you two on organising Try-Laois. All the feed back I'm getting is excellent. You can have a rest now. I'm sure it won't be too long before the club is back in an organising frenzy for TryAthy.

Thursday 9 April 2009


Hi Kevin,

We have spare bicycle if you still need it. Do you want me to drop it over to you or drop it over to whomever needs it. See you tomorrow anyway.

Wednesday 8 April 2009

Stolen Bike

One of the entrants to the Portlaoise Tryathlon has had their bike stolen!  She is looking for the loan of a racing bike – all offers accepted.  Let me know if any one is feeling generous…


Friday 3 April 2009

A little adventure before the start of the season


Well after the long winter of training why not have a break and join Cornelius, Catriona and myself at this event . It's a 15k run and short 1k kayak and 48k on road. It's for a good cause and if the weather is good we'll be camping out. Hope some of you can join us. Oh did I mention there at £10,000 worth of diamonds to be won. :)