Friday 22 August 2008

Dublin Tri


Does anyone want a lift to Dublin on Sunday morning. I'll be heading up early as registration is between 6-7. Give me a ring or leave a message and we can arrange something.


Hi Lads and ladies,

Just letting you know that Damien and I did the Wicklow Tri aquathon on Wednesday. I would definitely recommend it to anyone for next year. Just like to say well done to Damien who also managed he's first open water swim. Watch out Murt Damien is coming for you!

Friday 15 August 2008

Birthday Boy


Willie,s celebrations start early.......Happy 30th will from all the members of the morning breakfast club...
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Wednesday 13 August 2008

100K Cycle hosted by TriCW

Hi All
Just to let you know that Carlow Tri are doing a 100K cycle on sunday morning.
If you're interested give Clive a buzz on 087-9972049 for more details

Tuesday 12 August 2008

Junior Fitzpatrick's Secret!!

"Tell me your secret Will,
I know your training hard and while losing some weight should make you look younger.
But tell me , how you lost all those years and become a junior over the weekendTell me your secret Will,
I know your training hard and while losing some weight should make you look younger.
But tell me , how you lost all those years and become a junior over the weekend"
Could it be the combination of B-Fuel & Baby Oil??

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Monday 11 August 2008

A youthfull Willie

OK, tell me, how did he do it.
Tell me your secret Will,
I know your training hard and while losing some weight should make you look younger.
But tell me , how you lost all those years and become a junior over the weekend.
See Caroline Kearney results for proof of his age.

Sunday 10 August 2008

London triathlon

Hi people just a quick note to mention that our over seas club mate Nial collins finished 2nd  in his age groupe  in the London triathlon on Sunday, WELL DO NIAL..Time 2:06:08..

Thursday 7 August 2008

So which is this? Hobby or Mental?

Some of you may have noticed that Stephen isn't around this week, and that is because he has headed to Dover where he is helping a mate (Enda Kennedy) to swim the English Channel. Today could, in fact, be the day the 14 hour attempt gets underway.

You can read all about this man's training and preparation, and hopefully in a day or two a full account of a successful crossing.

Enda Kennedy's Blog.

Wednesday 6 August 2008


There is a fine line between "Hobby" and "Mental Illness"
When swimming in the Barrow tonight I thought there might be some truth in the above Quote from todays calander.

Friday 1 August 2008

Friday Photos??

Whatever happened to the Friday photo Comment thingy?? Don't tell me that you're all busy!!

Post up to 500 photo's a month to share with family and friends! Go to your free Windows Live Space now Click here!

Guess Who's Back … Bobby's Back

Well, Bobby’s back - racing, that is. News from his blog indicates that he is in training for the Caroline Kearney Memorial race in 10 days time. Read on to see why he is regretting now that he took the mountain bike out on all those Winter Training run sessions!

Also - read the slacious highlights of his ass-biting experience with a dog. No details spared!