Monday 31 March 2008

Moonwalking Bear

Was that Taco disguised as a Moonwalking Bear doing some sneaky training ?
Confused ? Go back to Mick's post about "Passing the Test"



That you were also partaking in the sneaky training swim session. How would you know otherwise?

Sneaky training..

MONDAY night must be sneaky training night..karl taco and kevin mchugh given it loads in the pool..what you think of that Sinead..

Sunday 30 March 2008

Worth a look

Anyone with a few minutes to spare worth a look at the following site...

Yellow Top

Yes Sinead it was me - caught again.  So much for hopeing not to be spotted by not wearing my Trilogy gear.  Where have you got the CCTV Camera's ?????

Partying Patrick Marshall

I just want to thank Patrick and Catriona for a great party last night (we wont mention the Dunhills!) . So I was surprised to see Patrick (literally) hanging around the Slieve Blooms today as I thought he would be hung over. And he was - hung over the side of a bridge on a rope! I want to wish our 2 or is it 3 mad Trilogy members, Patrick, Margot and Cornelius the best of luck in their adventure race. Check out to find out for yourselves what our brave ninjas are up to.
And by the way Karl, I also did get my C2 card. Well done William and Michael.

Saturday 29 March 2008

Anyone got their C2 Sports Discount Card yet?

Got mine yesterday - very impressed too! Well done to Willie and Mick for organising this with C2 Sports (well done to them too).

TriAthy update

Hi Kevin,

See the new Reports page, with a preview to all races. TriAthy preview is there now. Thanks for the kind words!

Friday 28 March 2008

tri athy extreme

I have just been reading the tri Athy extreme newsletter. Well done Karl, it looks like Athy is shaping up to be another huge success. Is there any chance that we could have a link to it from our web site, to help build up the excitement within the club?


Thursday 27 March 2008

Are you surprised?

Hi Mick,
I did actually pass the test. But that is not all I saw. Trish Nicolls runing down the Dublin Road on Monday (before training) at approx 15:00hrs wearing an iluminous yellow run top with black shorts. You bought the Trilogy kit Trish. Try wearing it!!!!

Members Wanted !

Im looking for a team to catch all those doing "sneaky training" If you qualify contact me....

Did you qualify???????

Stradbally Road, eh?

My money's on Patrick Marshall ...

Who was it.....

A triology Shirt was seen running out the Stradbally road last Tuesday.....If you wish to admit it was you, or if anyone has any idea who it was then let us know...we have a few of the usual suspects....Only 41 days to Lisbon so a lot of secret training,

Wednesday 26 March 2008

VO2 Max Test

Well Guys,

I did the test on Saturday morning. Was not sure if I would gain much, but it was a fascinating experience, and exhausting! I will post the details of the test up soon.

See you Saturday!

Monday 24 March 2008


No pleasure in the bottom of a Bottle will your right.....Maybe one of these glasses might help.

Saturday 22 March 2008


Hi guys thanks for the invite will be there for sure and will bring a drink..... cause my pleasure does not come in a bottle!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ask Willie

I nearly sure i gave this album to willie only a few weeks ago Sinead, if your looking for one.

Friday 21 March 2008


I'm sorry Karl. You are right and it is only a rumour that Elaine threw out all of your Boyzone cassette tapes the minute you got married!!!

Re: my CDs

Sinead, I am deeply insulted at the suggestion in your post below. I ditched CDs in like 1999, its mp3s all the way, okay?

Thursday 20 March 2008

Are WestLife invited?

That is GREAT news. I would just like to know if Karl will be bringing any of his Westlife CDs or is Catriona looking after the sounds?

Wednesday 19 March 2008

House Warming Party

Hi all,

Well after a few years in our house and a few kids later we are deciding to throw ourselves a house warming party. So keep Saturday 29th March free from 8pm onwards if you fancy an evening of food, fun and frolics, just bring a few bottles of whatever is your pleasure and we'll have a good night.
Contact me if you don't know where we live at:
Patrick and Catriona.

Saturday 15 March 2008

how to mount your bike in one piece at pace

Well, doesn’t that sound optimistic – mounting your bike “in one piece” at pace!  Fortunately my husband has abandoned me for the weekend and consequently I cannot attend this transition training in the morning. MAEVE

TriAthy Launch

Just want to congratulate Karl on a very successful Launch. It looks like it will be an excellent race this year. Also well done to Murk Kane. It was lovely to see a Trilogy Jacket among the Bell Parkians on Bobby's latest training camp!

Tuesday 11 March 2008

House for sale

Hi Sinead a lovely house has just come on the market in Dun Masc, you will be with your fellow triathletes Noel, Trish, Stevie, Mick and kevin and you wont have far to travel to meet the "Click training Group".

Thursday 6 March 2008


Here is the final suggestion from the grange upper jury;

1         Deep Purple- Smoke On The Water

2         Saxon- Wheels Of Steel

3         Iron Maiden-Run To The Hills

Bring your own Air Guitars………………

Tuesday 4 March 2008

Spinning in the Outback

I tried spinning in the outback and can reassure you it is much overrated…….

Monday 3 March 2008

Well done Maeve

All that sneaky training will have paid off and we will all be there to cheer you on. Best of luck to you both, Mr and Mrs Bracken. I'll also take this opportunity to inform ye all that Terry is FINALLY going to participate in the world of Triathlon. He is part of a relay team for the North Tipp Sprint but he will take the plunge eventually. We are just working on baby steps at the minute!!


Maeve has taken the plunge into the world of Olympic Triathlons by signing up for Joey Hannon on 5TH of May.  I am signed up for the Olympic too – just to help her along!